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Believers who say they do not practice their religion

The Barometer survey by the CIS (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas) in February 2019 provides a summary of religious practice in Spain.
Of those who declare themselves as belonging to a religion, 62.1% never engage in religious practice (59.4% in 2011), 20.3% of the sample practice occasionally (23.8% in 2011) and 13.4% regularly.

Question 44a: (Among those who declare themselves to be Catholic or believers in other religions)
How often do you attend mass or other religious services, excluding social kinds of ceremonies, such as weddings, communions or funerals ? (Percentages)

2011 2019
Hardly ever 59,4 62,1
Several times a year 15,0 11,5
Once a month 8,8 8,8
Almost every Sunday and for religious celebrations 13,0 13,4
Several times a week 2,7 2,7
No answer 1,0 1,5
Total 100 (N=1834) 100 (N=2089)

Source : CIS, Barómetro Julio 2019.

D 15 May 2019    AJulia Martínez-Ariño

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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