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Minorités religieuses et médias

Besides the well-known Catholic weekly magazines La Vie and Témoignage chrétien, each religious group counts several publications.

L’Arche, of the Fonds Social Juif unifié, is the main monthly Jewish magazine.

The French protestant federation (Fédération protestante de France) has set up in 2013 an information portal Regards protestants (Protestant perspectives) which gives access to over 60 different Protestant papers, magazines, television channels...
The most famous Protestant journals are the weekly newspaper Réforme, the monthly magazine of the Protestant churches of Alsace-Moselle Le Nouveau Messager (weekly up till 2011), and the monthly magazine Christianisme aujourd’hui of the Alliance Presse Evangelical press group.

 Orthodox churches
The differents publications of the Orthodox churches are listed on the websites of the Orthodox Bishop’s assembly, Assemblée des Evêques orthodoxes and of l’Eglise orthodoxe de France the Orthodox church of France.

The Noor journal was created in 2012 and intends to represent Islam of the enlightenment. There are also many websites of Muslim information, the main ones being Saphir news (to which since 2008 one can add the free monthly paper magazine Salam news) and, as well as the journal du musulman (Muslim’s newspaper). A scholarly journal is due to be created shortly, les Cahiers de l’islam.

All these religious groupe also produce a great many publications for internal information, at a local or regional level.

D 3 décembre 2013    AAnne-Laure Zwilling

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