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L’instruction religieuse

According to art 17(4) of Basic State Law of 1867, religious instruction is a right and duty reserved to the legally recognised churches and religious societies. The obligating aspect is founded in general responsibility of the State to take care of education and in the cooperation here necessary. Religious education is provided, managed and directly supervised by the respective legally recognised church or religious society. However, the state has the right to supervise religious education in terms of organisation and school discipline through their school supervisory bodies.

Sources and further information :
 Rees, Wilhelm, “Religionsunterricht”, in Andreas Kowatsch / Florian Pichler / Daniel Tibi / Harald Tripp (Hg.), 111 Begriffe des österreichischen Religionsrechts, Erlangen, 2022, pp. 290-292.
 Law on Religious Education.

D 4 septembre 2023    ARobert Wurzrainer AWolfgang Wieshaider

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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