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Main acts regarding the religious communities

The most important act on religious communities is the [Act on Faith Communities (SFS 1998:1593). Important acts regarding the Church of Sweden are Church of Sweden Act (SFS 1998:1591) and the [Act on Inaugurating the Church of Sweden Act (SFS 1998:1592). There is a new Act on State subsidies to minor Faith Communities (SFS 2024:478) that will be implemented January 1st 2025. There is also an Act on the right of Faith Communities to have their membership fees levied by the state via the tax system (SFS1999:291). In The Act on Right to Officiate Marriages within Faith Communities provisions in this matter are regulated (SFS 1993:305). The Funeral Act (SFS 1990:1144) delegates the main responsibility of the administration of public burial plots to the Church of Sweden. The Act further states that special burial areas should be provided to people either without Christian faith or of other faith. The Act on the Cultural environment include regulation of old Church buildings (SFS1988:950).

According to the tradition of Swedish legislation there are – behind every act – several preparatory documents that could be of importance when the act is interpreted. These could be reports from commissions of inquiry, government bills, reports from parliamentary committees etc.

D 4 September 2024    APer Pettersson

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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