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La religion à la radio

Over the airwaves of France culture, the Catholic Church proposes Mass broadcast live every Sunday and bank holiday from 10-11am ; additional programmes include a weekly transmission by the Protestant Federation of France (Service protestant), a weekly programme on Islamic cultures, one dedicated to the Orthodox and Eastern Churches (alternating between Orthodoxy and Faith and Traditions of Eastern Christians), and two providing a general presentation of different religious traditions, entitled ’The Living and the Gods’ (les vivants et les Dieux) and ’the roots of the sy’ (les racines du ciel).

There are a good number of independent radio stations and the Catholic station Radio Notre Dame is the most well-known.
The Protestant Federation of France provides a weekly radio programme on France-culture, on Sundays from 8.30 to 9 am. In 2021 it acquired a radio studio and produces its own programmes.
Most of the Christian independent radio stations belong to the network RCF (radios chrétiennes francophones, Christian French-speaking radios), born in the 1980s on the initiative of the Catholic church. The network counts nowadays 60 radios stations in France, and has 500 000 auditors per day and 1,3 M per week. It gathers 300 paid employees and 3.000 volunteers.
For Islam, there is a televised programme on Sundays (8:45-9:15 am) that is produced by the Vivre l’Islam (Living Islam) association. Community radio stations broadcast, on a more or less regular basis, information regarding Islam. There are also radio stations that are exclusively geared towards Muslims, i.e. Radio Beur FM, Radio Orient.

D 16 août 2021    AAnne-Laure Zwilling

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