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Country information

Country information

Area: 9 093 507 km2
Population: 38.25 million (2021)
Capital: Ottawa, Ontario
Largest cities and number of inhabitants: Toronto (2 794 356), Montreal (1 762 949), Calgary (1 306 784), Ottawa (1 017 449), Edmonton (1 010 899)
Official languages: French and English
10 Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan
3 Territories: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon

Religious Affiliation in Canada

Most Canadians (65.4%) identify as being religious. Christianity has historically been and still is the dominant religion, representing 53.3% of the population. Catholicism is the most represented Christian denomination with 29.9%. Muslims are the largest non-Christian group, representing 4.9% of the population. Other significant non-Christian religions include Hindus (2.3%), Sikhs (2.1%), Buddhists (1.0%) and Jews (0.9%). In addition, 0.2% of Canadians reported a traditional Indigenous spirituality. Canadians who report having no religious affiliation account for over one third of the population (34.6%). This includes but is not limited to people who are atheists and humanists, as well as those who are indifferent to religion.
For more information on religion and nonreligion in Canada, see Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme’s work: “Canadian Religion in Global Perspective” (2022, UWSpace) and Religion, Spirituality and Secularity among Millennials (2022, Routledge).

Source: 2021 Census, Statistics Canada

D 10 February 2023    AMathilde Vanasse-Pelletier

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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