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Repères bibliographiques

La sociologie des religions

HANESOVÁ, D, "Religiosity and Its Current Educational Context in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic", In Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2013, n° 4.
MAJO, J., "Symbiosis in Diversity : (...)

HANESOVÁ, D, "Religiosity and Its Current Educational Context in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic", In Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2013, n° 4.

MAJO, J., "Symbiosis in Diversity : The Specific Character of Slovakia’s Religious Landscape". In : Stanley D. Brunn (Ed.). The Changing World Religion Map. Springer Netherlands, 2015. p. 415-438.

MATLOVIČ, R. - VLČKOVÁ, V. - MATLOVIČOVÁ, K., "Religiosity in Slovakia After the Social Change in 1989", In Stanley D. Brunn (Ed.), The Changing World Religion Map, Springer Netherlands, 2015. p. 1031-1045.

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Michaela, CIPÁR, Marián, Religiozita na Slovensku II. Bratislava : Ústav pre vzťahy štátu a cirkví, 2003.

TÍŽIK, Miroslav, "Religion and National Identity in an Enlarging Europe". In Crossing Borders, Shifting Boundaries : national and Transnational Identities in Europe and Beyond. - Frankfurt-on-Main : Campus Verlag GmbH, 2012, s. 101 - 123.

VÁCLAVÍK, D, "Searching and Finding : A History of the Slovak Study of Religion", In Bubík, T. and Hoffmann, H. (eds.). Studying Religions with the Iron Curtain Closed and Opened : the academic study of religion in Eastern Europe. Leiden : Koninklijke Brill NV, 2015, p. 55-87.

VANE, Jan - STIPKOVA, Martina, "The National Religious Environment and the Orthodoxy of Christian Beliefs : A Comparison of Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia", In Sociologicky Casopis-Czech Sociological Review, 2013, vol. 49, n° 3, p. 403-425.

D 25 novembre 2015    AMiroslav Tížik

Le droit des religions

MAJO, Juraj, "Some characteristics of the secularizing process in Slovakia (1950 vs. 2001) | Vybrané charakteristiky transformácie religiozity na Slovensku v rokoch 1950-2001 vo vzťahu k (...)

MAJO, Juraj, "Some characteristics of the secularizing process in Slovakia (1950 vs. 2001) | Vybrané charakteristiky transformácie religiozity na Slovensku v rokoch 1950-2001 vo vzťahu k sekularizácii". In Geograficky Casopis, 65, 3, p. 217-234.

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Michaela, "State and Religion in the Slovak Republic", in ROBBERS Gerhard (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Third ed., Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2019, p. 563-612.

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Michaela, RIOBÓ SERVÁN, Alfonso, "Cooperación del Estado con las Iglesias en Materia de Educación : La República Eslovaca", in Revista general del Derecho Canónico y Derecho Ecclesiástico del Estádo, No 7, Enero 2005.

MORAVČÍKOVÁ Michaela, "Law and Religion in the Workplace in the Slovak Republic”, in RODRÍGUEZ BLANCO Miguel (ed.), Law and religion in the workplace, Proceedings of the XXVIIth annual conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 November 2015, Granada, Comares, December 2016, p. 337-348.

POTZ, Richard, SCHWARZ, Karl, SYNEK, Eva, Maria, WIESHAIDER, Wolfgang, Recht und Religion in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Band 1 Slowakei. Wien : WUV/Universitätverlag, 2001.

RIOBÓ SERVÁN, Alfonso, El derecho de libertad religiosa en la República Checa y en la República Eslovaca. Madrid : Dykinson, 2005.

SCHWARZ, Karl, "Das Recht der Religionschgemainschaften in der Slowakei", in Lienemann, Reuter, Hans-Richard (Hrsg.), Das Recht der Religionsgemeinschaften in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2005. p. 443 – 471.

ŠMID, Marek, VASIĽ, Cyril (a cura), Relazioni internationali giuridiche bilaterali tra la Santa Sede e gli stati : esperienze e prospettive. Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2003. p. 271– 278.

TÍŽIK, Miroslav, Náboženstvo vo verejnom živote na Slovensku : Zápasy o ideový charakter štátu a spoločnosti. Bratislava : Sociologický ústav SAV, 2011. 423 s.

D 3 septembre 2019   


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