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Religious instruction in State schools

Section 23 of the Constitution stipulates that churches and religious communities “provide religious education ” and Act no. 308/1991 Col. reads that worshippers have the right to be raised in a (…)

Section 23 of the Constitution stipulates that churches and religious communities “provide religious education ” and Act no. 308/1991 Col. reads that worshippers have the right to be raised in a religious spirit, or to teach religion after fulfilling the conditions stipulated by internal directives of the churches and religious communities and by generally binding legal rules. The issue is regulated in more detail by the Basic Treary between the SR and the Holy See and the Agreement between the SR and registered churches and religious communities, yet they both refer to future detailed regulation in separate agreements. The right to religious teaching is established by Act no. 29/1984 Col. on the primary and secondary school system. Registered churches and religious communities are allowed to provide religious education in all schools and school facilities that are the part of the SR educational system. Teachers of religion has the same legal position as teachers of other subjects, but a necessary condition of their activity is authorisation by their own registered church or a religious community. Parents or legal guardians decide on the religious education of children up to the age of 15.

For more information, see the article "Religion in public education - Slovakia" of Marek Smid in Gerhard Robbers (Hrsg.), Religion in Public Education – La religion dans l’éducation publique, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Trier, 2011, 443-454.

D 3 October 2012    AMichaela Moravcikova

Theological colleges and confessional universities

Theological colleges form part of several state universities. There are Roman Catholic theological colleges, Protestant, Orthodox and Greek Catholic theological colleges. Theological institutes (…)

Theological colleges form part of several state universities. There are Roman Catholic theological colleges, Protestant, Orthodox and Greek Catholic theological colleges. Theological institutes and ecclesiastical seminaries are also to be found. Missio canonica, or church commission is a necessary prerequisite for teaching in these institutions. The internal directives of theological colleges and confessional universities are approved by an academic senate after the relevant church or religious community has submitted them. Act no.131/2002 Col. stipulates which sections of the Act shall “proportionally” apply to confessional universities and theological colleges. 22 sections of the University Act are relevant. They concern academic rights and freedoms, the establishment of faculties, academic self-government and its competency, rectors, deans, entrance and disciplinary proceedings, students’ and teachers’ rights and duties, scientific and academic board, and public university administrative board competence.
In 2000 Catholic Church established Catholic University in Ružomberok. The State contributes to its running costs. It was established by the Bishops Conference of Slovakia. The Catholic University has a Faculty of Arts, a Theological Faculty (in Košice), and a Faculty of Education.
Additionally, there are pastoral centres serving students in university towns. Their legal status is subject to the Catholic Church, other churches usually appoint student chaplains for pastoral duties with students.

D 3 October 2012    AMichaela Moravcikova

Further informations

Further informations concerning the social aspect of schooling are available in the "Religions and schooling" heading.

Further informations concerning the social aspect of schooling are available in the "Religions and schooling" heading.

D 4 October 2012   

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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