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Repères bibliographiques


HEININEN, Simo & HEIKKILÄ, Markku, Suomen kirkkohistoria. Helsinki : Edita, 1997.
HEININEN, Simo & HEIKKILÄ, Markku, A History of Finnish Church. Helsinki : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden (…)

HEININEN, Simo & HEIKKILÄ, Markku, Suomen kirkkohistoria. Helsinki : Edita, 1997.

HEININEN, Simo & HEIKKILÄ, Markku, A History of Finnish Church. Helsinki : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2016.

LAASONEN, Pentti, Suomen kirkon historia 2. Vuodet 1593–1808. Porvoo : Werner Söderström, 1991.

LAUHA, Aila, "Finnish Christianity since 1940", in : Björn Ryman with Aila Lauha, Gunnar Heiene and Peter Lodberg, Nordic Folk Churches - A Contemporary Church History. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company : Grand Rapids/Cambridge, 2005.

MURTORINNE, Eino,Suomen kirkon historia 3. Autonomian kausi 1809–1899. Porvoo : Werner Söderström, 1991.

MURTORINNE, Eino, Suomen kirkon historia 4. Sortovuosista nykypäiviin 1900–1990. Porvoo : Werner Söderström, 1995.

PIRINEN, Kauko, Suomen kirkon historia 1. Keskiaika ja uskonpuhdistuksen aika. Porvoo : Werner Söderström, 1991.

D 25 mai 2017    ATommi Heino

Sociologie des religions

Church in Change. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from 2000 to 2003. Tampere : The Church Research Institute, 2005. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 55)
Community, (…)

Church in Change. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from 2000 to 2003. Tampere : The Church Research Institute, 2005. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 55)

Community, Participation and Faith. Contemporary Challenges in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (2013) Publication 62. Based on the Church’s four-year report. Tampere : Church Research Institute.

GUSTAFSSON, Göran & PETTERSSON, Thorleif (eds.), Folkkyrkor och religiös pluralism - den nordiska religiösa modellen. Stockholm : Verbum, 2000.

KETOLA, Kimmo & TUOMAS Martikainen, "New Religious Movements and the State in Finland" in Lojda, Zostavil Miroslav Lojda (ed.), Európa a nové náboženské hnutia II / Europe and New Religious Movements II, 107-112. Bratislava : Ústav pre vzt’ahy štátu a cirkvi, 2005.

KÄÄRIÄINEN, Kimmo & NIEMELÄ, Kati & KETOLA, Kimmo, Religion in Finland - Decline, Change and Transformation of Finnish Religiosity. Tampere : The Church Research Institute, 2005. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 54)

KETOLA, Kimmo & KÄÄRIÄINEN, Kimmo & NIEMELÄ, Kati, "Suomalaisten uskonnollisuuden muutokset", in Sami Borg, Kimmo Ketola & Kimmo Kääriäinen & Kati Niemelä & Pertti Suhonen (eds.), Uskonto, arvot ja instituutiot. Yhteiskuntatieteellisen tietoarkiston julkaisuja 4, 2007. Tampere : Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto, 47-59.

MIKKOLA, Teija & NIEMELÄ, Kati & PETTERSON, Juha, The Questioning Mind. Faith and Values of the New Generation. Tampere : Church Research Institute, 2007. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 58)

NIEMELÄ, Kati, "The Quality and Effectiveness of Confirmation Training in Finland", Journal of Belief and Values. Vol 27, No 2, August 2006, 177-190.

NIEMELÄ, Kati, "Does Religious Upbringing Matter ? The effect of religious upbringing on the religious and spiritual identity of urban young adults in Finland", in Kirsi Tirri (ed.), Religion, Spirituality and Identity. Bern : Peter Lang, 2006, 153-169.

NIEMELÄ, Kati, "Alienated or disappointed ? Reasons for leaving the Church in Finland", Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, No 2, 2007, Vol. 20, 195-216.

SUNDBACK, Susan (2000), "Medlemskapet i de lutherska kyrkorna i Norden", in Gustafsson, Göran & Pettersson, Thorleif (eds.), Folkkyrkor och religiös pluralism - den nordiska reliösa modellen. Stockholm : Verbum, 2000.

D 25 mai 2017    ATommi Heino

Droit des religions

Church in Change. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from 2000 to 2003. Tampere : The Church Research Institute, 2005. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 55)

Church in Change. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from 2000 to 2003. Tampere : The Church Research Institute, 2005. (Publications of the Church Research Institute ; 55)

KOTIRANTA Matti, Religion and Law in Finland, Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer, 2021.

KOTIRANTA Matti, "State and Church in Finland", in ROBBERS Gerhard (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Third ed., Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2019, p. 613-640.

KOTIRANTA Matti, " Law and Religion in the Workplace (Finland)” in RODRÍGUEZ BLANCO Miguel (ed.), Law and religion in the workplace, Proceedings of the XXVIIth annual conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 November 2015, Granada, Comares, December 2016, p. 151-170.

MURTORINNE Eino, Suomen kirkon historia 3. Autonomian kausi 1809–1899. Porvoo : Werner Söderström, 1991.

D 6 juillet 2021   

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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