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Some key dates

10th Century: Denmark still dominated by Norse religion (belief in Aser and Vaner, Odin and Thor).
826: Official Catholic mission begins with the German monk Ansgarius.
Approximately 975: Inscription at a Memorial Stone at Jelling labels the Danes "Christians".
1536: King Christian III expropriates the Catholic Church in Denmark and turns it into an Evangelical-Lutheran State Church.
1682: Both the Jewish Community in Denmark and the Catholic Church are recognized by Royal Decree.
1736: Compulsory Confirmation Classes are introduced for 14 year old youngsters, forming the foundation for Danish cultural Christianity.
1849: The Constitutional Act of Denmark is enacted, which ends the absolute monarchy and introduces a democratic rule, establishing civil rights and freedoms including the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association. The constitution also enacts the Church of Denmark as a people’s church, not a state church.
1850-1950: Revival movements make approximately one fourth of the church members conscious about and active in relation to their Christianity.
1865: The Methodist Church in Denmark is recognized by Royal Decree.
1903: Democratically elected congregational boards are introduced.
1915: The Russian Orthodox Church in Copenhagen is recognized by Royal Decree.
1967: The first Danish translation of the Quran by A. S. Madsen of the Ahmadiyya community in Denmark.
1948: The parliament allows female pastors to be installed, whenever the local congregational board points to a women to be their pastor. Today half of the pastors are women.
1952: The Baptist Church in Denmark is recognized by Royal Decree.
1953: Denmark ratifies the European Convention of Human Rights.
1970: Following a revision of the Marriage Act, procedures are changed, so religious communities will no longer be recognized by Royal Decree, but approved by the Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs.
1974: The Ahmadiyya community in Denmark is the first Muslim community to be approved by the Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs.
1989: Denmark is the first country in the world to allow for registered partnerships.
1998: The Advisory Committee on Religious Denominations is appointed to assess whether the conditions for approval as a religious community are fulfilled. The committee consists of professors from law, religion and theology.
 The People’s Church is taken hostage in Danish nationalism by especially Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti), supporting the bourgeois government.
 The Church of Scientology withdraws its application for approval.
 Denmark supports the American invasion in Afghanistan. Since January 2002, Denmark has contributed militarily to both “Operation Enduring Freedom” against al-Qaeda and to the ISAF mission.
2003: Denmark joins the Multi-National Force in Iraq as part of the US lead ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’.
2005: On 30 September, the 12 Muhammad Cartoons are published by Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
2006: During January and February, the Muhammad Cartoons crisis peaks to become the largest international crisis for Denmark since Second World War.
2008: Danish Parliament enacts a change of the Procedural Code (“Headscarves law”) making it illegal for judges in session to wear religious attire (headscarves) that may be perceived as incompatible with the impartiality of judges.
2012: On 15 June, same-sex marriage becomes legal in Denmark. The bishops of the Church of Denmark write the liturgy for the gender-neutral marriage.
2014: Commonly called the “Grand Mosque” of Copenhagen, the Khayr el-Barriya mosque is inaugurated as part of the Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilisation Center in the Northwestern part of Copenhagen. The mosque is the first in Denmark with a minaret.
 On 14 February, Danish-Palestinian Omar El-Hussein opens fire at a public afternoon event called "Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression" at the Krudttønden cultural centre killing one and injuring three. Later that night (on the 15th), outside the city’s Great Synagogue in Krystalgade, he killed a Jewish man on security duty and wounded two police officers. Early that morning Omar El-Hussain was shot and killed by the police.
 The Imam Ali mosque is inaugurated as the first purpose-built Shi’a mosque in Denmark.

D 17 June 2016    ANiels Valdemar Vinding

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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