Religions and schooling
Different legal frameworks
The relationship between religion and education varies in the different constituent parts of the UK. The legal framework for schools is very similar in England and Wales, although education in (...)
Religiously based schools in England and Wales
When education became a state function, the schools operated by the Church of England were incorporated into the system under the terms of the 1902 Education Act. The structure has been revised (...)
Religious education and collective worship in England and Wales
The 1944 Education Act made religious instruction mandatory in schools in England and Wales, although parents may withdraw their children from these classes. The initial emphasis on ‘religious (...)
Religion and education in Scotland
The 1872 Education Act made the state responsible for education in Scotland, with the Church of Scotland transferring control over its schools. Catholic schools became part of the state system (...)
Religion and education in Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland the majority of Protestant children attend state controlled schools, while most Catholic children attend Catholic maintained schools. The latter are owned by the Catholic (...)