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Les médias catholiques

In response to the challenge of televisual media in particular, the Irish Catholic Church established its own media production unit operating under the auspices of the Catholic Communications Institute (est. 1969). Today, in the form of the Kairos Communications media production and training company, a variety of programming is provided according to a broad Christian agenda as opposed to a narrowly ecclesiastical one. This includes the production of a short "Prayer at Bedtime" programme broadcast nightly by the main state television channel, and occasional documentaries centred on the developing world in which Catholic missions are active.

With respect to "old" media, the Catholic Church has a number of publishing houses and retail outlets, the most prominent being Veritas - first established in 1928 as the commercial wing of the Catholic Truth Society of Ireland (1900-69) which was subsequently absorbed into the Catholic Communications Institute. Veritas publishes a wide variety of popular religious literature, with more scholarly work of religious interest published by the Columba Press and the Four Courts Press. With respect to the Press, the Irish Catholic weekly newspaper (est. 1888) - though not owned by the Church - functions as the leading newspaper for comment and coverage of Catholic religious affairs.

D 21 septembre 2012    ASeán L’Estrange

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