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Quelques dates clés

Before 1000 A.D. : Christianity reaches Finland from East and West.
About 1155 : According to a legend, the first Crusade to Finland by Swedish King Erik IX. Bishop Henrik organised the Christian life in Finland.
1527 : The first decision of the Parliament on transition to Lutheranism.
1593 : The Uppsala Meeting, when the reformation of the Church is completed.
1642 : First Bible in Finnish was published.
1809 : Finland became a Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire while retaining Swedish law and Lutheran faith.
1869 : Church law that increased the autonomy of the Lutheran Church and paved way for the freedom of religion.
1917 : Finnish Parliament approved the declaration of independence.
1922 : The Freedom of Religion Act was issued and came into effect in 1923. It granted citizens the right to freely found religious denominations, and to belong to one, or to remain entirely without religious affiliation.
1995 : Finland joined the European Union.
2003 : The new Freedom of Religion Act came into effect.
2017 : Same-sex Marriage Act came into effect.

D 25 mai 2017    AKimmo Ketola

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