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Local programmes and religion

The last few years have witnessed a real revolution, and a development hitherto unknown in the world of local TV. We should emphasise in particular, the emergence of faith channels - Roman Catholic, but also Evangelical - whose programmes are predominantly of the religious variety. These channels are used as instruments for spreading religious messages and moral teachings. "Discussions" held on topical issues only express the views of the religion in question.
Some of these TV channels are of fundamentalist nature, similar to the style of American televangelists. The channels regularly feature believers who, under the guidance of the preachers, assert their faith by declaring their millenarian vision of the world.
Similarly, over the last decade, a large number of radio stations have emerged. A large number are underground stations, and most enjoy the support of an ever-growing Latin American immigrant community, among whom the Evangelical faiths enjoy a huge following. Many of the preachers on these channels are of South American origin.
There are also local, but less influential Catholic stations. On the other hand, no evidence has been established of the existence of any Islamic-leaning station.

D 14 September 2012    AFernando Bravo López

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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