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Abortion was legalised in Denmark in 1973 as an unconditional right (before week 12) after many years of debates.
The adoption of the law was controversial and sparked the establishment of a political party, the Christian People’s party (Kristeligt Folkeparti), but within the last decades, a certain consensus has developed. The topic has been almost entirely de-politicised and the public debates limited.
The Christian People’s party gave up their resistance in 2023 with the statement that “we are a modern Christian party. This, of course, means that we stick to our Christian values, but it also means that we take modern health science into account, which can tell us the details of how the development of a pregnancy proceeds. You have to deal with that when discussing abortion today. Here we believe that the 12th week is a good place to draw the line.” According to a 2023 survey, only 2.9 per cent of the population supports a ban on abortion. In 2023, the Danish Council on Ethics (Etisk Råd), which is part of the Danish National Center for Ethics, released a document entitled Provokeret abort. Hvor skal grænsen gå ? [Provoked Abortion : Where Do We Set the Limits ?] which contained the recommendation to raise the current limit for free abortion from 12 weeks to 18 weeks. This was supported by a majority of members ; some supported an extension of the limit to 15 weeks (4 members), a majority (9 members) supported an 18-week limit. A minority (4) supports the existing limit of 12 weeks. A bill to change the legislation will likely be presented in the parliament in 2024.

D 29 avril 2024    ALene Kühle

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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