Les publications du réseau
The Eurel annual meetings and conferences have produced the following publications :
– (forthcoming 2024) Brian Conway, Gabriel Birsan, Francesco Alicino, Lene Kühle (eds.), Religion, Law and Covid-19 in Europe. A comparative Study, Helsinki University Press.
– 2023 Helena Vilaça, Maria João Oliveira, Anne-Laure Zwilling (eds.), Contemporary Challenges to the Regulation of Religions in Europe, U. Porto Press.
– 2022 Helge Årsheim, Anne-Laure Zwilling (eds.), Non-religion in contemporary societies. Institutional and legal perspectives (Boundaries of Religious Freedom : Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies Series), Springer, New York, 254 p. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-92395-2).
– 2020 Julia Martinez Ariño, Anne-Laure Zwilling (eds.), Religion and Prison : an overview of Contemporary Europe (Boundaries of Religious Freedom : Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies Series 7), Springer, New York, 424 p. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-36834-0)
– 2015 Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) 18, 2015.
21 septembre 2023