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Le mariage

The Marriage Act (1991) has recognized same-sex marriage in § 1 since 2008. § 2 sets the marriageable age to 18, with exemptions subject to approval from the county governor available down to 16 years. Under § 12 of the act, the authority to conduct marriages is recognised to priests of the Church of Norway, and pastors and leaders in registered religion or belief communities, notary publics and diplomatic officials. Under § 13, marriages may be refused by priests, pastors and leaders in the case of non-membership in the relevant community. Additionally, church marriages may be denied in the case of same-sex marriage, and marriages where one of the partners has divorced and the former spouse is still alive. Under § 16, marriages can be declared null and void if a priest of the Church of Norway has conducted the ceremony without adhering to the official liturgy of the General Synod of the Church of Norway.

D 16 septembre 2016    AHelge Årsheim

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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