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In March 2016, a round table on “The current problems of Old Believers” was held in Moscow. It was the first historic meeting of the ecclesiastical leaders of three Churches of Old Believers : Metropolitan Corniliy of the Russian Orthodox Church of Old Believers (Russkaya pravoslavnaya staroobryadcheskaya Tserkov), Patriarch Alexander of the Russian Old Orthodox Church (Russkaya Drevnepravoslavnaya Tserkov) and the President of the Russian Council of the Old Orthodox Church of Pomorie (Drevlepravoslavnaya Pomorskaya Tserkov) Oleg Rosanov. The round table was dedicated to the problems of the relationship between the Churches of the Old Believers and the Russian State authorities, and the problem of the participation of the Old Believers in the field of social activities (conservation of the historical heritage, dissemination of traditional culture and ecclesiastical art, charity works).

Source : detailed report on the round table (in Russian).

D 26 mai 2016    AMikhaïl Chakhov

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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