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  • April 2017: Swedish court case on Freedom of Religion: a Swedish Christian midwife argues the right to refuse taking part in abortions

A Swedish midwife who refuses to carry out abortions has appealed to a labour tribunal after having been denied employment three times. Ellinor Grimmark objects to be active in abortions because of her Christian faith, and refers to the principle of freedom of religion, which is a fundamental part of Swedish constitutional law. The appeal hearing was held in January 2017, and the verdict is expected in April.

See BBC website and Radio Sweden website.

  • March 2017: Report on the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden causes debate

A report on the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden has been published by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, MSB, February 2017).
It is based on a study held November-December 2016, and reveals that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Swedish society and its political parties, through several Muslim organisations and individuals, since the 1970’s. According to the report, the Muslim Brotherhood is striving to become the representatives of the Muslim minorities to the authorities. The authors, Magnus Norell, Aje Carlbom and Pierre Durrani, argue that this organisation is creating a kind of “parallel society” with the aim to implement an agenda of islamization. The report has caused a polarised public debate. 22 Swedish academic scholars in religious studies have published an article criticizing the report. They argue that the report lacks scientific quality and cannot be taken seriously. But the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has defended the report, since no other research has been made on the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden. There is a need of such studies. The report is starting point, towards getting knowledge on the influence of this islamist network on the Swedish society, and its impact on the security of the country. For Anneli Bergholm Söder, head of the Operations Department of the MSB, the aim of this study is to determine which areas of research and study should be developed in that field.

Swedish national TV website:
 "Norell slår tillbaka: Muslimska brödraskapet väl etablerat i Sverige"
 "Forskare sågar terrorexperten Magnus Norells rapport om islamism i Sverige".

D 5 April 2017    APer Pettersson

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