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Projets européens de recherche et d’information

  • Active

 COLIBEX, chaire de recherche France-Québec sur les enjeux contemporains de la liberté d’expression (France-Quebec Research Chair on Contemporary Issues in Freedom of Expression)
Aims to develop research and training on freedom of expression, in a collaborative and international dimension. Organised into transnational networks, this collective chair has four main themes : the first addresses the issue of regulating freedom of expression in relation to fundamental human rights and democracy (theme 1) ; the other three deal more specifically with its relationship with religion (theme 2), knowledge (theme 3) and creation (theme 4).

 GREASE - Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion
This project, funded by the European Union, studies the management of religious diversity and in particular of radicalisation. In particular, selected European countries are compared with Asian countries, taking into account historical influences.

 Intercultural Education through Religious Studies, maps and analyses how religion and teaching (about) religion is played out in the official curricula for religion education or other school subjects.

 IRIS - Observatoire géopolitique du religieux
This observatory aims at providing the necessary tool for a sound and accurate understanding of the contemporary world and the question of religion.

 Observatoire international du religieux (International Observatory on Religion)
Research programme which aims to shed light on contemporary religious phenomena and their interactions with politics.

 Observatoire des religions et de la laïcité (O-Re-La)
Daily synthesis of news concerning religions, analyses, studies, expertises et results of research concerning religions, convictions, and State-Church relations.

 Observatoire Pharos
Trilingual website (French, English and Arabic,), aiming at providing information on the situation of cultural and religious pluralism in the world.

News and analyses about religions in today’s world.

 Study of Religions Against Prejudices & Stereotypes

 Worldwide religious news (WWRN)
A non-profit service providing the international academic and legal community with up-to-date religious news from around the world.

  • Past

 2008-2015, Secularization (de-institutionalization and de-christianization) : Religion in Estonia from the Modern period to the Present, University of Tartu, Estonia.

 2008-2018, IMPACT : "The Impact of Religion – Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy" (project of the Centrum för forskning om religion och samhälle, Religion and Society Research Centre, Uppsala University).

 2010-2015, RELMIN
RELMIN gathers, studies and edits normative texts concerning the legal status of religious minorities in medieval Europe.

 2010-2015, Post-Secular Culture and a Changing Religious Landscape. Åbo Akademi University, Finland.

 2013-2017, Religion and Human Rights, An International Empirical Research Program University of Würzburg, Germany.

D 14 février 2022   

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