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Quelques résultats d’enquête

Selected results of the study carried out by the "European Value Systems Study Group" in 1999

The importance of religion
When questioned on the importance of certain aspects of life, 53 % declared that religion is “quite important” or “very important” to them.

Living with other religions
15% of those questioned would not want to have “Muslims” as neighbours, and 8% would not want to have “Jewish” neighbours.

Self-determination of religious affiliation
75% of those questioned say they are “religious people” while 18% say they are “not religious people”.

The role of Churches
55% feel that Churches are not giving answers to moral problems, 33% think they are.

83% said they believe in God, 13% said they do not ; also, 50% believe in life after death while 41% believe in telepathy.

Views of God
51% believe there is a superior power, 31% believe there is a personal god.

Selected results of the study carried out by the "European Value Systems Study Group" in 2018

The importance of religion
When questioned on the importance of certain aspects of life, 16% declare that religion is “very important” to them.

Self-determination of religious affiliation
63% of those questioned say they are “religious people” while 29% say they are “not religious people”.

Belief in God
73% believe in God, while 21% do not believe in God.

Views of God
31 % believe that a personal god exists, while 48% declare that there exists some kind of higher being or a spiritual power.

Importance of God
Concering the importance of God in their lives, 35% declare that God is important, while 37% say that God is relatively important and 28% say that God is not important.

Sources and further information :
 Denz, Hermann (Hg.), Die europäische Seele. Leben und Glauben in Europa, Wien, 2002.
 Polak, Regina / Seewan, Lena : Erste Ergebisse der Europäischen Wertestudie, Teil 3 : Religion. Universität Wien, Forschungsverbund Interdisziplinäre Werteforschung.
 Aichholzer, Julian / Friesl, Christian / Hajdinjak, Sanja / Kritzinger, Sylvia (Hg.), Quo vadis, Österreich ? Wertewandel zwischen 1990 und 2018, Wien, 2019.

D 7 septembre 2023    ARobert Wurzrainer AWolfgang Wieshaider

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