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Données sur la pratique religieuse

Do you practise religious rites ? (Answers expressed as a percentage)

2006 2009 2010
Every day 4 3 4
Every week 3 2 3
Every month 4 3 4
During major religious festivals 26 25 27
Irregularly 24 26 28
Never 37 38 32
No answer 1 4 4

Data from the Russian Centre for the Study of Public Opinion.

Among Russians, the number of those who read the Bible is equal to the number of those who have never read it : 49%. 54% of Orthodox followers know the main content of the Bible, 42% of followers of other Christian religions and 21% of atheists and non-believers.

Religious services at Easter took place in Moscow in the night of 3 to 4 April 2010 in 269 churches and monasteries. According to the Interior Ministry, about 176,000 faithful attended the Easter church services. That’s almost 60,000 more than in 2009. Moscow has more than 10 million people, so less than 2% of the population participated in the Easter liturgy

Source : Komsomolskaya pravda of 4 April 2010.

D 3 octobre 2012    AMikhaïl Chakhov

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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