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Romania during the period 1916-1948

1914: death of the King Carol I. King Ferdinand I, who was the nephew and therefore a direct descendant of the German Prince Hohenzollern, became the successor of the King Carol I.
1916–1918: Romania participated in the World War I.
April 1918: unification of Bessarabia and Romania.
1st December 1918: creation of the Great Romania through the union of Romania and Transylvania.
1923: the new Romanian constitution was adopted under the rule of King Ferdinand I.
1934-1937: Romania experienced a massive economic growth (number 1 country in Europe in the exportation oil and number 6 in the world; the number 4 country in Europe in the production of wheat).
1926: the heir, Prince Carol II, gave up the throne and left Romania.
July 1927: death of King Ferdinand. Michael (Mihai I) was declared King but as he was a minor, the country was ruled by a regency composed of Prince Nicolas of Hohenzollern, Patriarch Moron Crisea and Georghe Buzdugan – president of the High Court of Appeal and the High Court of Justice.
1930: King Carol II returned to Romania and claimed the throne.
1938-1940: King Carol II established the royal dictatorship.
28 June 1940: Romania lost the north-eastern region comprising Bessaraia, Bucovinia, and Harta to Russia.
30 August 1940: according to the Dictat of Vienna, the north-western part of Transylvania was annexed to Hungary.
7 September 1940: according to the Treaty of Cracova, Romania yielded the southern part of Dobrudja to Bulgaria.
6 September 1940: Carol II stepped down and enthroned his son Michael I.
24 January 1941: General Antonescu declared military dictatorship and Romania established a military and political alliance with Germany.
June 1941: Romania fought on the German side in the war against the USSR.
23 August 1944: General Antonescu was arrested and King Michael declared Romania as a constitutional monarchy. Romania changed its politics and continued the military struggle, but this time on the side of the allies fighting against fascism.
November 1946: Romanian elections were held and the Communists falsified the results and obtained the victory.
30 December 1947: Michael was obliged to abdicate and the Communist Party assumed absolute power, forbidding all other political orientations and later Romania became a Republic.

D 28 September 2012    AIulian Isbasoiu ALaurenţiu Tănase ALucreţia Vasilescu

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