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Political life from 17th to 19th century

 1600: first unification of the three Romanian provinces namely Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania under the voivode Micahel the Brave (Mihai Viteazul - 1593-1601). The union lasted one year before the assassination of Mihai in 1601.
The most important voivodes who ruled Wallachia, south of Romania between 17th and 18th centuries were Vasile Lupu (1634-1653), ªerban Cantacuzino (1678-1688), Constantin Brâncoveanu (1688-1714), etc.
 1711: beginning of the regime of the Greek phanariot in Moldavia and in 1716, in Wallachia.

Transylvania :

Until 1541, Transylvania was an autonomous voivodate under the rule of the King of Hungary.
 1541-1683: an autonomous principality under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
 1683: the establishment of the reign of Habsburgs in Transylvalnia until 1765 when the province became a big autonomous principality in the Empire of Habsburgs.

Moldavia :

 1812: after the war between Russia and Turkey, the Romanian territory in the eastern part of Romania was annexed into the Russian Empire and given the name Bassarabia.


 1821: revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu, a local noble, against the phanariot regime. End of the phanariot regime.
 1848-1849: revolution of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania.

D 28 September 2012    AIulian Isbasoiu ALaurenţiu Tănase ALucreţia Vasilescu

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