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Research and higher education


Law of religions :
Université catholique de Louvain : Chaire de droit des religions
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven : Faculté de droit canonique
Universiteit Gent : Human Rights Center (...)

Law of religions :

Université catholique de Louvain : Chaire de droit des religions

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven : Faculté de droit canonique

Universiteit Gent : Human Rights Center

Sociology of religions :

Université catholique de Louvain :
 CISMOC : Centre interdisciplinaire d’études de l’Islam dans le monde contemporain
 LAAP : Laboratoire d’anthropologie prospective

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven : Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek

Universiteit Antwerpen : CEMIS -Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies

Universiteit Gent : MENARG : Middle East And North Africa Research Group

Université Libre de Bruxelles : CIERL – Centre interdisciplinaire d’études des religions et de la laïcité

D 18 September 2014   


Religious law
Religious law is not always an autonomous discipline in Belgian higher education. It is included in certain courses on constitutional law, human rights and administrative law in (...)

Religious law

Religious law is not always an autonomous discipline in Belgian higher education. It is included in certain courses on constitutional law, human rights and administrative law in law schools. It is also found in the curricula of Masters programmes in religious sciences and theology. It is taught at the following universities:

Catholic University of Leuven:
 Chair of Law of Religions
 Master’s degree in Religious Sciences

Université Saint-Louis:
Additional Master’s Degree in Human Rights

Université Libre de Bruxelles:
Master’s degree in the Science of Religions and Secularism

Catholic University of Leuven:
 Faculty of Canonic Law
 Master’s Degree in Canonic Law, Master’s Degree in Society, Law and Religion.

Sociology of Religions

Belgian universities do not organise specific courses on the sociology of religions as a matter of standard practice. The courses closest to the theme are listed here.

 Catholic University of Leuven: Sociology of religion
 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: Sociology of Religion (B-KUL-A02A6B)
 Universiteit Gent, History of Religion and Culture in Western Europe (A004031)
 Universiteit Antwerpen, Sociology of religion
 Université de Liège, Conceptions and Methods of the History of Religions
 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Anthropologie de la religion

Doctorate in religious sciences

In September 2017 in French-speaking Belgium, an inter-university doctoral school in Sciences of Religions (EDOREL), accredited by the FNRS, was inaugurated. It organises and aggregates a series of training courses and seminars devoted to high-level research on religion and its cultural integration, both in terms of content and the various university methodologies involved. This school includes teams from the Catholic University of Louvain, the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the University of Liège. In this context, a specific doctorate in religious sciences has been open at the Catholic University of Louvain since 2017 and at the Université Libre de Bruxelles since 2019.

D 28 February 2019   

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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