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Bibliographic references

CHAKHOV Mikhaïl, Pravovye osnovy deyatelnosti religiosnyh obiedineniï v Rossiïskoï Federatsiï.(Legislative principles governing the activities of religious associations in the Russian Federation) 2e édition, 2013, 528 pages.
This book contains the full statement of the current law on religious freedom and religious associations.

PTCHELYNTSEV Anatoly, Svoboda veroïspovedaniya i deyatelnost religioznykh objedineniï v Rossiïskoï Federatsiï (Religious freedom and the activities of religious associations in the Russian Federation). Moscou, Ed. Iurisprudentsia, 2012, 248 pages.

CHAKHOV M., mère XENIA (TCHERNEGA), RYAKHOVSKY V. et al., Commentaire général scientifique et pratique de la Loi fédérale "Sur la liberté de conscience et les associations religieuses". Moscou, Centre juridique slave, 2011, 580 pages. (Naoutchno-praktitchesky kommentary k Federalnomu zakonu "O svobode sovesti i o religioznykh objedineniyakh").
This book was written by a dozen lawyers, lawyers, and government officials. It includes comments from all sections of the 1997 Act.

PTCHELYNTSEV Anatoly, RYAKHOVSKY Vladimir, TCHUGUNOV Sergey, Religiosnye obyedinenia. Svoboda sovesti i veroispovedania. Religiovedcheskaya expertisa. Normativnye akty. Sudebnaya praktika. Zaklutchenya expertov (Religious associations. Freedom of conscience and religion. Experts’ conclusions), 4e édition. Moscou, Ed. Iurisprudentsia, 2012, 1456 pages.
Collection of texts

SIBIREVA Olga, Freedom of Conscience in Russia: Restrictions and Challenges in 2018, SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, 17 April 2019.


L’Observatoire de la liberté religieuse, La liberté de religion en Russie, rapport de 2018.

D 30 April 2019   

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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