eurel     Données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en Europe et au-delà


  • The properties of the Greek Orthodox Church

In the last decades, the question of administration of the vast real estate property of the Orthodox Church of Greece has been of primary importance. Until now the Church, due to its status as a legal person under public law, did not have the absolute control over a part of its properties and could not proceed to their use and development. This state of affairs has changed via the institutionalization and enactment of two legal acts :

a) Law 4146/2013 : ‘Generating a Growth Friendly Environment for Strategic and Private Investments’ (18 April 2013).
b) Law 4182/2013 (10 September 2013). Amendment : Establishment of the Church Property and Development Company.

A) According to the new Investment Law, the real estate of the Church of Greece as well as that of its institutions or dependencies, having the status of a legal person under public law, are considered to be ‘private’, not state/public, properties. As such, therefore, the Church has the right to manage and develop them according to its own free will, to sell, lease or rent them without facing any impediment on the part of the State.

Relevant Documents :
1) The Law (in Greek)
2) Supplementary Report (in Greek)

B) The aim of the Church Property and Development Company is to administer, manage and develop the real state of the Church of Greece and its institutions. The capital stock of the company is shared equally by the Church and the State. The share capital of each partner cannot be transferred. The Board of Directors is appointed by the Government (two members) and the Archbishop of the Church of Greece (three members).

Relevant Documents :
1) The Law (in Greek)
2) The Report (in Greek)

D 26 septembre 2013    AKonstantinos Papastathis

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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