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Key dates in Russian history

988: Official date of the baptism of Russia (Christianisation of Russia) by Prince Saint Vladimir the Baptist; Orthodoxy is recognised as the state religion.
XIth-XVth centuries: The Russian Orthodox Metropolitan is subordinate to the Patriarch of Constantinople.
1448: Autocephaly of the Orthodox Metropolitan of Moscow.
1589: Establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate.
1667: Beginning of the raskol (ecclesiastical schism) between the Orthodox Old Believers and the official Orthodox Church.
1721: Change of the ecclesiastical management system, creation by Emperor Peter the Great of the Synod to replace the Patriarch of Moscow.
1917: Socialist revolution.
1917: Restoration of the Moscow Patriarchate by the ecumenical council, election of Patriarch Tikhon.
1918: Decree on the separation of church and state and of church and school. Dissolution of all religious associations established as legal entities, nationalisation of their property. Start of persecutions against ministers of religion and their faithful and of a long-lasting anti-religious campaign.
1943: Turning point in Stalin’s ecclesiastical policy; election of Patriarch Sergiï, temporary reduction in acts of anti-religious persecution.
1988: Celebrating the millennium of the Baptism of Russia, liberalisation of government policy towards religion.
1990: Law on freedom of confessions.
1991: Fall of the USSR.
1993: Proclamation of the Russian Federation, described as a secular state in the new Constitution.
1997: Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.
2000: The principles of the social doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church are adopted by the Council of Bishops.
2002: Federal Law "On the prevention of extremist activities."
17 July 2007: Act of reconciliation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (or "outside borders"), restoring the canonical unity of the Russian Orthodox Church.
January 2009: Cyril was elected Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia by the Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.
30 November 2010: Federal Law "On the allocation to religious organizations of assets of religious use located in state or municipal property."
2012: The course "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics" is included in the compulsory part of the school education program for all Russian schools, from the 2012-2013 school year.
October 2015: Opening of the Grand Mosque of Moscow.

D 11 February 2016    AMikhaïl Chakhov

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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